Saturday, December 14, 2019

MY NEW ALBUM.......(or several?!)

MY NEW ALBUM.......(or several?!)

Don't think that my "carreer" is over since I removed my album 'Sense of Self' from CDBaby,
Since 2005 it was one of the several 'vendors' who helped sell this album.
(Special thanks to Big Balloon music , Z&R Records, KinesisCD, Tower Records, Expose magazine, Progression Magazine and CDBaby.)

This particular review (of the many) may give the reader a decent explanation of what MY MUSIC sounds simiar in style to (?) :


Composer/keyboardist/drummer Paul Panebianco’s first CD is simply an amazing piece of instrumental work. Paul basically does all the instruments himself where he multi tracks keyboards and real drums. The music Paul composes is a type of adventurous progressive rock with both fusion and modern classical elements along with some avant-garde aspects. It’s not something most listeners can digest in one sitting. It’s complex, quirky melodies, and ever changing rhythms will have the afore mentioned avant-garde fan’s drooling over each song. I’d also recommend this to fan’s of the RIO movement as well as listeners that enjoy an adventurous musical journey.
Reviewed by Ron Fuchs on May 10th, 2005

I wouldn't call my music Progressive rock, that's the category it falls into in the market place.

New Compositions/Songs/sound sculptures -

 The music biz and selling of records cds etc. has changed to much over the years
Its become more complicated – until it 'changes' into something that resembles the real music business (so long as I'm able to do what I want ) – I think I'll wait to release any of my new music......

I'll find a way, somehow

New Albums Pending.............................................................................................